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Government’s commitment to address disability and homelessness an important step

January 29, 2025

Homelessness Australia welcomes the Federal Government’s renewed focus on addressing homelessness among Australians with disabilities, as outlined in the revised national Disability Strategy.

“The inclusion of a dedicated homelessness priority area in the revised national disability plan, and introduction of the Targeted Action Plan for 2025-2027 on Inclusive Homes and Communities is an important step to address a major problem,” said Homelessness Australia CEO Kate Colvin.

“This recognises the enormous barriers faced by people with disabilities in accessing safe and affordable housing that meets their needs.

“People with poor mental health and psychosocial disabilities often need support to sustain their housing, and a home they can afford, but neither support, nor low cost housing is available. This is why we continue to see people with psychosocial disability and other complex needs becoming trapped in homelessness or in exploitative and unsafe housing conditions.”

The urgent need for action has been evidenced in multiple inquiries and studies.

  • The Productivity Commission’s Mental Health Inquiry found that among approximately 300,000 Australians with persistent, severe and complex psychosocial disabilities:
    • More than 31,000 are experiencing or at risk of homelessness
    • More than 2,000 remain in institutional care due to a lack of alternative housing options
    • More than 154,000 are not receiving the services they need, including critical support to find and sustain housing.
  • Recent data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has revealed that 56% of people experiencing persistent homelessness had mental health issues, and 64% of people who returned to homelessness after being housed had mental health issues.

We look forward to working with the Government to deliver concrete actions to fix this problem:

  • A significant expansion of housing-focused support for people with psychosocial disabilities. Proven models such as Housing First should be scaled up beyond the current pilot programs.
  • Investment in mental health capacity within homelessness services to provide integrated support
  • Targeted funding for homelessness prevention initiatives for mental health inpatients to prevent hospital exits into homelessness

“The new Disability Plan is a step in the right direction but its success will depend on meaningful investment and action,” Ms Colvin said.

“People with disabilities deserve access to safe, stable housing and the support they need to thrive.”

Media contact: Lauren Ferri 0422 581 506


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