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Budget will help struggling renters but big challenges remain

May 9, 2023

The Federal Budget will put desperately needed dollars in the hands of struggling renters, which will provide some relief to their rental stress. But the huge challenge of inadequate supply of social housing and overstretched homelessness services remains to be addressed. 

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Stopping rising homelessness an urgent Budget priority

May 8, 2023

Homelessness Australia is urging the Federal Government to address surging homelessness and inadequate income support in tomorrow’s budget.

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Youth Allowance too low to afford surging rents

April 19, 2023

Young renters on youth allowance sharing a typical two bedroom flat have only $13 a day to cover food transport, medicine, utilities, and other costs, according to an alarming new analysis by Homelessness Australia. “We urgently need to lift Youth Allowance and Commonwealth Rent Assistance so young people have the income they need to avoid homelessness. By failing to act, we are condemning growing numbers of young people to homelessness and poverty."

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Homelessness funding security warmly welcomed

March 24, 2023

Homelessness Australia has strongly endorsed the Federal Government’s move to plug a $67.5 funding shortfall that has emerged in recent months.  Funding for the Equal Remuneration Order (ERO) supplementation for homelessness services to cover the wages of the workforce was due to expire in June 2023, creating uncertainty for providers.  Kate Colvin, CEO of Homelessness Australia, applauded the Commonwealth for heeding the concerns of those working on the frontline of the housing crisis. “On behalf of everyone working to deliver homelessness support and security, we thank the government for listening to our concerns and taking action.”

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Hundreds of children sleeping rough as Census reveals homelessness surge

March 22, 2023

The latest Census data reveals 387 children were sleeping rough on Census night in 2021, as the overall number of people experiencing homelessness surged by five per cent. The Census data confounds stereotypes of homelessness. It finds 56 percent of people experiencing homelessness were women and children, 16 percent were over 55, and 14 per cent are young people aged 19-24. “These statistics are alarming but they need to do more than shock. They need to galvanise action,” Kate Colvin said.

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200 organisations call for action to stop cuts to homelessness help

March 7, 2023

The Federal Government plan to cut $65.5 million in funding from homelessness services from 1 July 2023. This is equivalent to around 650 homelessness workers around the country and will result in more people, including women and children fleeing family violence, from getting the help they need to avoid or escape homelessness.

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Rising homelessness risk must be addressed in May Budget

February 6, 2023

As the gap between the cost of housing and incomes rapidly widens, the Australian Government must approve a $2 billion rapid-rehousing fund, expand the Housing Australia Future Fund to support annual construction of 25,000 social housing properties, and increase Commonwealth Rent Assistance 50 per cent. Homelessness Australia's recommendations for investment in the 2023-24 Budget have been released alongside analysis finding that while incomes have grown five per cent over two years, rents have completely outstripped them over the same period, increasing 28 per cent.

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Poverty Inquiry Submission

February 3, 2023

The high cost of housing in Australia, lack of affordable rentals and inadequacy of income support results in poverty for many households and drives homelessness. Fixing the housing crisis so that everyone can access a home they can afford is critical to addressing poverty and to ending homelessness in Australia. As this Submission outlines, this will require policy to address both income adequacy and the supply of affordable rental homes.

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More Australians pushed to the edge by rising rents

January 12, 2023

The latest Corelogic rent data shows a ‘new record high’ in national annual rent growth with values up 10.2% in the year to December. More Australians are diving deeper into housing stress and poverty with no end in sight.

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Cost of living, housing crisis drive surging demand for homelessness support in 2022

December 23, 2022

New analysis by Homelessness Australia has found financial difficulties and housing affordability stress skyrocketed in 2022, driving a surge in demand for homelessness support, with NSW, WA, Tasmania and SA worst affected.

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Homelessness Australia and ASU: Federal cuts to ERO funding put services to homeless at risk

December 21, 2022

More Australians are relying on housing and homelessness services than ever before but unless the Albanese Labor Government provides funding to cover the extra costs of wage increases to homelessness services homeless Australians will have less help available. Homelessness Australia and the Australian Services Union have written to the federal government seeking urgent action.

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Only three per cent of housing needed for women’s safety delivered

November 25, 2022

A new analysis shows that only three per cent of women fleeing family violence received the long term housing they needed for the 2020 and 2021 financial years.

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